Guidelines 4 dev
2 min read   Created in Jul, 2023

What is the Guidelines4Dev?

Hey Dev, sudo? I hope you’re doing great! I would like to welcome you to this little space where I share some of my experiences in the form of guidelines, a kind of digital book, so be welcome to Guidelines4Dev*.

I’m Lorival, and I created this space to organize some of my experience in guidelines as a digital book, divided into chapters, where each chapter is a guideline on a specific topic.

Over these nearly 20 years in the software development field, I’ve had the opportunity to work for 10 different companies, ranging from small ones to multinational corporations. In all of them, I felt the lack of guidelines that could support me along the way, from how to open a proper pull request to how to advance in my career to the next level.

That’s why I created this digital book project, where I will catalog and organize various guidelines for us Devs. My hope is that this digital book will help me mentor my colleagues more efficiently when they wish, but I believe it can also help you.

The logo of this project is the bit2droid robot, which was the logo of my first company called bit2bit. The company no longer exists for years, but my affection for the logo led me to resurrect it with a different purpose.

This is an ongoing project, so I don’t expect it to have a proper end. Whenever I can, I’ll come here and add some content, and you can follow the creation process in real-time. In 2 or 3 years, perhaps it will be possible to compile an edition with the best guidelines, let’s wait and see…

All the best and happy hacking! :)